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Care Instructions

How to take care and wash your Formal Dress

Always follow the care label on the garment.

Pre-wear care
Apply makeup, deodorant, hairspray, and moisturizers well before dressing to ensure that they are completely dry.


Always wash or dry clean immediately after each wearing, store your garments in a breathable garment bag.

Clothes with sequins and other embroidered outfits require extra care and we strongly recommend dry cleaning - professionals know best how to take care of your dress.


Hand Wash

If you want to wash your clothes at home please gently hand wash any of our gowns.  Before you start, make sure the sink or bathtub you're using is scrubbed clean with water and a fresh brush. You want to get rid of stains and mildew, and  also want to get rid of any harsh chemicals you have have used in the past. If there's bleach clinging to the tub when you fill it, your wash water will have unwelcomed effect on your clothing.

Fill a large basin, tub, or sink with lukewarm water, stir in a mild detergent (not a “detergent soap” — use plain detergent, otherwise some garments will get soap stains) and gently submerge your garments and then swish them slowly from side to side for several minutes.

Don't scrub while you're doing this, even at stains, and don't cram too much in at once. There should be plenty of water sluicing around and through the fabric. Change the water every few loads, especially if you're treating badly soiled clothes. You don't want to be washing in dirty water.


Washing machine - not reccomended

If neither of these are option for you and you insist on using the washing machine - just be careful to choose the most gentle cycle, right temperature and wash with alone to avoid dye transfer. Some delicate fabrics do just fine on the “delicate” cycle in the washer. Most, however, do best when they're hand-washed. We do not recommend using machine wash.


Treat any stains immediately
Don’t leave any stains to fester and act immediately. Treat the affected area as soon as you can. From blood to wine – there’s a trick for every stain.

Immediate treatment can help prevent permanent stains. As soon as your item gets a stain, wet it. Quick pre-treatment can make the difference between a short, effective hand-wash and a permanent stain.

As soon as possible, wet stains with plain water.

Organic stains made from animal proteins (blood, fat, etc.) can “cook” to permanence if you use hot water, so keep it lukewarm or cold for those.

Inorganic stains like dirt and synthetic oils can be treated with warm or hot water.

Dab the water onto the stained area from behind the stain and set it face down on a paper towel or other neutral, absorbent cloth and place it on a paper towel or absorbent cloth. There’s a chance the staining substance will naturally soak into the paper towel rather than soaking deeper into it.


Don’t hang your dress up to dry
Lay it flat, ideally on a towel away from direct sunlight to avoid creasing, dimples, and wrinkles. Sunlight can damage the colour and fabric of your clothes. Your garment will keep its shape a lot better this way than if you hang or peg it out to dry.

You can use a rack with slots, a futon frame or even a baking rack to dry clothing flat, as long as it allows airflow underneath the clothing. Turn clean clothing every 30 minutes for even drying.

Most of out dresses are made out of a synthetic fabric which can’t be ironed, but laying flat right after washing will ensure it dries as crease-free as possible.